
Top 5 Healthy Diet Options For Women

Healthy Diet Options for women seem to be everywhere, but which ones really are healthy? As someone that has tried various diets in the past, I totally understand the appeal of finding a magic cure or solution to losing weight.  Whether it is a pill to take or a food to eliminate, the promise of dropping […]


Bariatric Diet Tips for Satisfying Cravings

We all have some kind of food craving from time to time. Unfortunately, these cravings are usually for foods that ar very high in calories, fat, and sugar. Dealing with cravings is difficult for anyone, and it is very important to know whether a particular craving was physiologically or psychologically driven. Your body may be […]


5 Reasons Why Water is Needed Daily

I’ve heard a lot of people say that they can’t stand the taste of water. Water doesn’t really have a taste which is why a lot of people don’t like it. It’s more exciting to drink a soda that’s bursting with sugary flavor. However, there are healthy options to add to your water to make […]


Can Too Much Salt Damage Your Brain?

Ah, the all-popular and basic ingredient of cooking, salt. While you need a good amount of salt to give your body the sodium and other minerals it needs, excess of this ingredient can be quite harmful too. And while the known harmful effects are already known, there are a lot of people who still don’t […]


How to Make a Detox Green Juice

While it is true that detoxification of the body is handled by the liver, it is somewhat misleading to say that nothing can help you detox your body. There are a wide array of fruits and vegetables that facilitate cleansing action and secretions in the liver and pancreas, and consuming these vegetables can help stimulate […]