Intuitive Eating

Does Intuitive Eating Work?

Does Intuitive Eating Work? People are often under this misconception that intuitive eating is just perpetuating obesity and unhealthy lifestyles, and just causing people to eat nothing but Oreo cookies and McDonald’s. While it is true that many people eat foods they previously thought of as off-limits, they also eat a lot of nourishing food […]


Brown Rice: Is It Worth Switching To?

We’ve all heard about the healthier variants of the foods we have every day. From green tea instead of coffee to olive oil instead of regular oil, there’s a lot of options out there. One in particular that you’ve probably heard of is brown rice. Time and again this this supposedly healthier variant of white […]

budget eating

Eating Healthy and Saving Money

Eating Healthy and Saving Money? We are often led to believe that making healthy eating habits is out of our reach for convenience and cost reasons.  But did you know that making the smarter and healthier choice can actually save you money? Eating Healthy and Saving Money Let me explain with these tips: Curb your […]


Yes, I Have a “Movie Purse”

Sorry Marcus Theaters, Yes, I Have a “Movie Purse”.  What is a Movie Purse? Simple, it is a purse you pack full of treats for the movie theater! Now, before you get all upset about me smuggling in food — what exactly do you think a person who just had gastric bypass surgery can eat […]

eating exercise

5 Foods to Eat After Your Workout That Will Help You Keep off the Pounds

You just finished your workout and you’re starving but you don’t know what the best foods are, and you don’t want to undo the work you’ve put in today. Here are 5 foods to eat after your workout that will help you keep off the pounds. The foods you’re about to read about focused primarily […]

eating Health RNY

I Have Rocked Out The Meal Planning

I Have Rocked Out The Meal Planning? Wouldn’t it be amazing if Dwayne Johnson actually came over to your house, made a few meals for you and did the dishes too? Is that weird that my secret fantasy is something like that? Seriously, I could care less about being carried to the bedroom, unless it […]


The Yolk Was on Me

The Yolk Was on Me? So, I was on my liquid diet for a few days and then hit the target goal: Ketosis. This was both a good and a bad thing for me In case you have no clue, there are many symptoms that your body has entered that fat-burning stage like: Hunger Headache […]