
Can You Please Hold the…

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One of the fun about my new diet, is the simple fact that I eat small amounts. I can’t eat entire sandwiches yet so, if I grab something I have to say “Can You Please Hold the…”

Can You Please Hold the...

Can You Please Hold the…

I know it seems crazy, but I would rather have the protein of the folded egg (don’t blame me, that is what the crew member from McDonald’s called it) than the biscuit. Protein is the first thing I try to get in my meals.

Can You Please Hold the...

Here is the funny thing: it took a bit to get them to understand that I only wanted the egg. Once they figured out I wanted the “folded” egg instead of the “round” egg, things went smoothly. It would have been nice if they had included a fork with it, LOL – but I made due.

McDonald’s is a quick go-to for me now. With the All Day Breakfast they have, I can get a folded egg anytime that I am out and about and need a shot of energy. I know we always try to plan ahead, but seriously? Stuff happens and it is great to have a fall back.

Most restaurants are absolutely fantastic about special orders because of a diet. There are actually special cards for Gastric Bypass people to take to restaurants to help them with special orders but I have never had an issue. Culver’s will give you chicken noodle soup without the noodles, veggies and chicken so it is pretty much just a cup of broth. Texas Roadhouse will let me have a dish of applesauce which I could eat in my pureed food and soft food stage. Once you explain a special diet to your server, they are pretty awesome about it.

We just ate at Red Lobster this past week and I was able to share part of a meal off of Andy’s plate instead of ordering my own. I had some tilapia and mashed potatoes off the separate plate the server brought me. I had more than enough food and would have been eating that supersized meal for 4 days if I had ordered it myself and brought home the left overs.

It has become easy to say “Can You Please Hold the…”

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